Low-Speed Emulsion 1.6 ISO Film
Low-Speed Emulsion 1.6 ISO Film
Explore the distinctive qualities of our 1.6 ISO film, a low-speed emulsion crafted for exposure under laser, CRT, and LED light sources. This specialized film is not balanced for daylight or tungsten lighting, leading to a striking blue color cast in daylight. The film delivers exceptional fine grain and rich tonality, perfect for capturing intricate details and textures. Make the most of the unique color characteristics to create enchanting, ethereal images, or employ color correction filters for a more natural appearance. Though not initially designed for in-camera use, this film provides creative opportunities that conventional films cannot. Dive into a realm of artistic expression and uncover the untapped potential of our remarkable 1.6 ISO film.
Click here for tips on getting accurate exposure when using a 1.6 ISO film